Derrick brought a great word tonight at Stirring. It was all about Worship. And how when you are broken hearted or going through really hard times... you should still worship. It was about how when you worship through your circumstances you are close to God.
This point KEEPS getting brought up. Last week I could NOT stop listening to Hillsong's "Desert Song" and the line that says "All of my life, in every season, You are still God, I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship." These few lines just kept playing over and over in my head and I found myself saying it ALL day long.
Then I listened to a message from Kim Walker (which I have heard like, 3 times). She talked about how a lady asked her one time what to do when you are having a horrible time of it and just don't feel like you can worship. She responded with something like this:
Everyone goes through hard times, BUT I know that God is bigger than my problems, and He is more important than my problems so for an hour or so, I am going to push those circumstances aside and focus solely on Him. He is worthy to be praised and NOTHING that is going on in my life is going to stop me from worshiping and praising the Almighty Living God.
And I just LOVED that. I've heard it before, but it just made SO much sense this week.
ALSO, in the book we read for Life Group had a chapter about mourning. And how when you are mourning someone that everyday (in the Jewish culture) there is a time set apart to praise God. And you might now feel like it, and you might not believe the words you are speaking right at that moment however, saying the same praises to God every day (for, I believe, a year) you will EVENTUALLY believe what you are saying.
Just showing again, that no matter what is going on.... God is still God and worthy to be praised.
Derrick spoke about a few words he got at a conference and they were "I choose Worship"
SO AWESOME. He said that you have choices every single day and that all of your choices should bring Jesus praise.
I'm not going through anything really difficult right now but it KEEPS getting brought up and it's an amazing concept.
I love how God just connects everything to make it into an amazing lesson.
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