a story behind this one.
Not to get all emotional and sappy.... but I had a tough time of it last night.
This boy I was kinda, sorta, maybe, possibly interested in started dating another girl.
Sad story. But THAT wasn't what I had the problem with.
As I was sitting on Facebook and saw his "relationship change" pop up on the damn news-feed
all these lies started coming against me.
Of course he chose her over you.
She's prettier.
She's trendier.
She's cooler.
Why would he choose you?
You've never had a boyfriend.
Why is that?
You're 21 years old and single.
You're going to be single forever.
You're not good enough.
You're not pretty enough.
And more.
Over and over.
Now I knew all these were lies. But knowing in your mind that they are all lies
and knowing in your heart, are two different things.
My heart was hurting. So I did the only thing I knew to do. I started praying.
And the Lord met me.
He began to speak my true identity write to my soul.
He began replacing ALL the lies, with truths. Foundational truths that I KNOW are true and cannot be argued.
He began replacing ALL the lies, with truths. Foundational truths that I KNOW are true and cannot be argued.
That I am His daughter. That I am loved. That I am beautiful. That I am perfect. That I am worthy. That He takes delight in me. That He loves spending time with me. That He created me so uniquely. That no one else can love Him the way that I can.
All that and so much more.
It was incredible.
So of course I'm thankful for the Lord and His comforts and peace.
But I'm thankful for the friends who remind me of this.
The friends who ask how I'm doing and really want to know.
The friends that I can be raw with and explain to them that I'm having a hard day.
The friends who DON'T let me believe the lies that I am hearing and who speak against them.
So thankful.
Today I'm also thankful for friends' parents.
Who treat me like one of their own.
Who set amazing examples and standards.
Who are goofy.
Who let me hang out. All the time.
Who aren't censored and are real and raw.
Who say what they think.
Who offer up advice... even when I don't think I need it.
Who call me out.
And who love me.
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