Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Corrections, Corrections

Alrighty... so about the post from last night.

I didn't mean that I didn't have friends.
Or people that I can count on. At all.
Because I do.

I have:

And I absolutely LOVE all of those girls.
A LOT. A lot a lot.

I just meant that out of some of those girls
who even reside in the same town...
I feel a change coming.

Which is fine.
Change is good. It strengthens relationships.
But it's just really hard to deal with at first.

I had a really long talk with Ariel last night.
It was good.
We were actually able to talk about stuff that we
normally just get in big fights about.
I definitely think God had a part in that.

I also talked to Amanda today.
And her words of encouragement that things would change
when she moved in with Holly but they could be good changes
were so great to hear.

And also, I did not mean to tag Chelsey in the last
I accidently did it and since I am new to all these
"Gadgets" on blogger I didn't know how to "un-tag" her.
So, Chelsey, I am sorry. I love you dearly. :)

That's all for now.


Bells. said...

Hee hee. I'm glad. I love you too. I was just like... WHY ME?!?

Anyway, how to untag, if you are labeling things when you actually write the post, then all you have to do is delete it. That little box right underneath the part where you type everything? That's the label box. And you type things in there. And then you just delete the ones you don't want. At least that's how I label things.

Sarah said...

I love YOU!:)
change is good. Hard but good. We will talk more about it tomorrow. :)-which I realize I need to txt you about.:)