Saturday, March 13, 2010

I'm in a complaining mood....

so I apologize to all of my readers. Yes, I know that these are all somewhat lame things to be complaining about and I could have it SO much worse... but I just feel like venting.

Tina and I made a cake for Jamie's bday. But Tina fell asleep while it was baking. (Sorry Tina if you read this...) And that really frustrated me. Just because she was so excited to make it earlier that day and then totally passed out. Like always.

So I take it to Ariel's to finish decorating it. Jordan and her help me. Put candles on. They look kinda lame because I was rushing. Then we go to deliver it. Get there a few minutes before midnight. Try to light them... lighter doesn't work.

Drive to AM PM. Buy a lighter for friggin 2 bucks. (He didn't check for ID.... weird) Go BACK to Jamie's house. Now 12:10. Kinda lame... cuz it's not right at 12. Light ALL the candles... Ariel burns herself. Jordan blows out some of the candles. Call Jamie. Once. Twice. Three times. She doesn't answer. Stand there for awhile... realize we probably look suspicious.. then drive ALL the way back to Ariel's house then ALL the way home.

Then today, my car started revving when it's in PARK. Ariel said this is a sign that my timing belt is going out. Oh joy. This is what I've been saving up for. It's gonna cost a butt load of money. UGHHHHHH

So, I get home and ask my dad to go ask our neighbor/mechanic about it tomorrow and he yells at me saying "I can go ask him about it just as easily"

Yes, Dad. I can. But when I explain things about my car I sound like an effing retard because I don't know the name for anything and end up trying to imitate the noises and having people look at me like I'm crazy. UGH. Just a really frustrating day.

Oh and the man from Shasta School of Cosmetology DIDN'T call back today.

I'm just really not liking today. So now I'm going to bed. And my phone is going to be on silent and I am not setting an alarm.

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