Tuesday, September 21, 2010

5 Days

I was just looking back at my blog posts from the past few months. Wanna know what they ALL talked about?....Paul Mitchell.
And guess where I will be in 5 days?.... In Sacramento....getting ready to start....PAUL MITCHELL!
There's so many things going on in my head that I felt the need to
just write them all out.
So here we go...
I am beyond stoked to start school! I wish I could already be done so I could step in to what God has called me.. but there's a reason I'm not doing that. I feel like God is going to work on my heart a LOT this next year to prepare me for what He has called me to.

Last Sunday was my last Stirring for awhile. Oddly enough... I wasn't sad. I didn't feel like it was a "last." I actually went to the morning service to help with set up and looking around at all the people who I have come to call family made me so proud. I love each and every one of them. Knowing that they are behind me in this move, makes a world of difference. Just knowing that they are here in Redding, cheering me on, and praying for this next season makes me feel SO loved.

As the days that I am in Redding dwindle down, I feel more and more.....anxious. Just so ready to be down there. Anxious about taking the biggest leap of faith I have ever taken. However, on the flip side... I've been praying for total peace about this transition and thoughts will come up like, "where am I going to work?" or "this kinda sorta seems like a silly decision" but there is always this incomprehensible peace. God is so good.

I'm just now starting to feel a little sad. I hung out with Ariel and Amanda last night and just laughed and had so much fun. Knowing that I won't be able to just go over to Amanda's house, or not being able to hang out with Tina every Friday night or call Ariel and go on a random adventure makes me misty eyed.But we all have Skype now and they can come visit. :)

As sad as I will get in these next few days I know that my Father has me in His hands and there is no way that He will let me go. He loves me too much to watch me fall. I'm trusting Him with all of my heart and that my friends, is a good feeling.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

So so proud of you!! Can't believe that its finally come down to 5 days..:) I remember when it was still a dream...how I love it when the Lord allows them to come to fruition.
I understand the not feeling sad part..and your right, the peace means that you are right where the Lord wants you in this season. Keep holding onto that truth and that peace because the enemy would love nothing more than to steal that from you.
Remember, its ok to grieve the friendships that won't be over, but will just be different. Crying is good.:) Rest in His presence-he has taken you out, but has not abandoned you. While its ok to miss what you left, live in the present-friendships, school, city, church-keep your eyes open to the things the Lord has given you for the now and the things he wants to teach you.
K. off my box:)-love ya Ash..