Sunday, December 12, 2010


Ugh. The longer I put off writing on here... the more I have to write.
So, we're gonna try to fit the last three months into ONE post.

Lets see....
I moved to Roseville, CA to live with Andrea and her mom, Cindy.
Adjusted really fast.
Started Paul Mitchell.
Met some AMAZING people who forever changed my outlook on life.
Those amazing people turned into life long friends. (I just know it)
Went through an intense 6 week classroom course all about cosmetology.
Learned MORE than enough about ALL Paul Mitchell products.
(Became slightly brainwashed and still have a hard time buying hair products that are NOT Paul Mitchell... haha)
Got a part time job at Blockbuster.
Grew to love the people I worked with.
Performed two official hair cuts on live people (all other cuts performed on doll heads..... which I learned to NOT name a girly name because eventually you chop off all their hair to make them boys... then it's just awkward)
Graduated out of the classroom and onto the clinic floor.
Had the title "Protege"
Was on the floor for two weeks.
Realized that my part time job wasn't going to make enough money to support me down there.
Cried about it to Tina and my mom. A lot.
Prayed. A lot. For something to work out so I could stay down there.
Nothing came up.
Had some tearful goodbyes to my Paul Mitchell girls.
Then my family and Tina helped me move back to Redding, CA where I now sit writing this here blog.

Moving back has been hard. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to be back in town and able to see my friends whenever I want. But I miss school. I can't explain how much I was in love with it. Not just all my girls that I got to know but the school in general. The way it's run. The teachers. It was just all so incredible.
At first, I was really angry with God. I felt that He had quite literally put me in Sac at Paul Mitchell. It was the perfect fit. And then all of a sudden it was getting ripped out of my hands. It was not a good feeling.
But I just had to remind myself that everything happens for a reason. And while I don't know what the reason was for me moving out for two months just to move back home, I'm trusting that something great will come out of it.

As of now, I am looking into an apprenticeship program that I will do with Jilee. It will be an amazing experience, however, there are a ton of hoops to jump through. Starting out with having to give the apprenticeship board between $3-5000 before they will even get me the paperwork to START the process of becoming a student.
So, in the mean time, I am going to be working for SCOE again. Just as a substitute but trying to work as much as I can so have some money saved up for bills so whenever the apprenticeship starts I can focus on that and that alone.

I don't think there is anything else new.

Some good music lately?
Sara Bareilles' newest cd.
Particularly tracks "Kaleidoscope Heart" and "Basket Case". Check 'em out.

Much love,

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